Many low-income households are having a hard time paying their bills because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Utility bills are one of the biggest costs. Families struggling to pay their utility bills can face shut-offs, leaving them without essential services such as electricity, water, and heating. But there are many energy assistance programs that can help low-income households pay their bills and keep their utilities from being turned off. This article will give an overview of utility assistance programs, including how to qualify and how they can help low-income households.
Types of Utility Assistance Programs
There are many types of utility assistance programs available to low-income households. One of the most widely used is the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), a federal program that provides temporary assistance to low-income households to help pay their utility bills. LIHEAP operates in all 50 states and provides assistance for heating bills, cooling bills, and crisis situations where a household is at risk of disconnection. The program has income eligibility requirements based on federal poverty levels and household size. Households interested in LIHEAP should contact their local community action agency or the state LIHEAP office to apply.
There are also financial assistance programs, community-based programs, and non-profit organizations that help people pay for their energy costs. Many utility companies have programs in place to help low-income customers pay their bills, such as Lifeline Assistance for phone and internet service or energy-efficient services to reduce energy usage and bills. Community-based programs may be able to help with utility bills on a case-by-case basis, and nonprofits often work with utility companies to help low-income households pay their bills.
Eligibility Criteria
Most utility assistance programs have income eligibility requirements based on the federal poverty level and the number of people in the household. Income and the primary heating system in the home are two factors that determine eligibility for LIHEAP. Households that use important heating equipment, like furnaces or boilers, may get more help than those that use less important heating equipment, like space heaters. Other eligibility criteria may include proof of residency and citizenship status. Households interested in utility assistance programs should contact their local utility company or community action agency for more information.
Specific Assistance Programs
Low-income households can also get help with their utilities through programs other than LIHEAP. For example, the Water Assistance Program helps people pay their water bills, and the Cooling Assistance Program helps people pay their cooling bills in the summer. There may be different ways to apply for and get into these programs, so people should contact their local utility company or community action agency for more information.
Success Stories
Utility assistance programs have helped a lot of low-income households keep their utilities on so they don’t lose access to the services they need. For example, the Community Action Agency of Somerville helped a family of four keep their lights on during a period of financial hardship. The agency gave the family money to pay their electric bill so that they wouldn’t lose their power and could keep their lights and other essential services on. Families who got help with their heating bills during the cold winter months and with their water bills during droughts are also examples of people who got help.
Utility assistance programs are very important for low-income families who are having trouble paying their utility bills. By providing financial assistance, these programs can help families keep their lights on, their water running, and their homes warm during times of financial hardship. Families who want to find out more about financial assistance programs should contact their local community action agency or utility company. No family should have to go without basic utilities because of money problems, and these programs can help save the lives of those in need.